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Why Mental health over any other disorder?

Why Mental health over any other disorder?

The question must have aroused in your mind. Mental illness is one of the leading causes of incapacity of our body. We know that the brain controls all the other organs of our body but what if it stops working? Aren’t we going to treat it like any other disorder? Perhaps not! People belonging to all sorts of age groups are scared to talk about it out loud because they don’t know how society is going to react. They keep things to themselves making the situation even worse.

Bullying is one of the reasons children suffer from a mental health disorder. According to a new global poll of more than 10,000 young people, almost nine in ten children and youth believe bullying is a problem. And two-thirds of children and young people have been victims of bullying.

Mental health can range from common problems such as depression and anxiety to rarer problems such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Moreover, factors such as exam stress, overthinking, playing video games for a longer period, and not socializing are often responsible for the poor mental state in adolescence.

We overlook it, inadvertently, consequently suffering from severe emotional, behavioral, and physical health problems.

The first and foremost reason behind this is the lack of awareness. The policy-makers need to amend and implement certain laws because mental health is not just affecting an individual but the entire nation.

According to a WHO report “The global economy loses about the US $ 1 trillion per year in productivity due to depression and anxiety”.  When youngsters are ineffectual to find their way out of this swamp, they chose to give up on their lives. In this modern era, children prefer digital communication rather real world. This makes them more anxious when interacting with the outside world. 

It is nerve-racking to know that “Suicide is the second leading cause of death in individuals aged 15-29 years “as stated by WHO. This needs to STOP!

Time has come to break the silence and help children in need. By raising our voices to provide the best environment for the kids where they are comfortable sharing all sorts of issues. Being humans, we must support mentally ill and neurodiversity people financially especially during their difficult times. We are never too late for this cause.

Although Mental illness, like any other disorder, can be treated however “Prevention is always better than the cure”. Always remembers that you are not the only one and YOUR LIFE MATTERS! 

By Kashish Sharma

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