Being without a home is a great underprivilege because it deprives a person of the basic need in life called the shelter. It denies a homeless person a right to safety and security. We work for the whole day with the complete channelization of our energy, get tired and the only thing we think about then is ‘HOME’.Homeless people don’t have a roof on their heads which is a basic requirement in life. Homelessness tears families apart. In a world of fast-paced technology, they still can’t afford a protecting shelter. Their survival in the world is a big challenge for them.
Homeless people don’t have proper arrangements for cooking. Many people feed on leftover food which causes diseases. They have worse health problems like asthma, respiratory infections, skin ailments due to air pollution, and climate change. Serious illnesses like HIV/Aids, tuberculosis are common in homeless people than among the general population. They are not able to differentiate between right and wrong and thus are more vulnerable to substance abuse and violence. They are also prone to mental illness which creates a feeling of no motivation for living or doing work. They want to work but cannot find regular employment which leads to poverty. They also lose their sense of belonging and generally go into isolation due to depression. Homeless children have higher rates of ear infection, stomach problems than other children of their age. They are also more likely to be depressed, anxious, and withdrawn.
We should take out time to talk with them lovingly and respectfully. We can volunteer and look for shelters to help the homeless. Our skills can be put to good use by giving them basic education. Donate old clothes, stationery, food items to them. Offer them blankets, clothes, and sweaters especially during the winter season. We can make a list of shelters and provide them with non-perishable items because they are always in short supply. We should guide them to look for job opportunities in local newspaper offices and help them make groups by putting their skills to use such as painting, repair work, etc. Get women engaged in small jobs to generate income and eventually eradicate their problems. With the help of doctors, we can put medical camps. Funds can be donated to charitable institutions that support programs to end homelessness. The government needs to help such people in getting the education and necessities with the assistance of NGO’s and Welfare associations.
Next time when we see a homeless person we should try to help him rather than ignoring or making assumptions.
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