Christmas, the festival of sharing and caring was celebrated with great enthusiasm along with the homeless children at our educational center. We surprised them with a secret Santa, sweets, games and tons of cake that was enjoyed by all. The children also took part in various craft activities and created beautiful Christmas memories together.
Christmas is a beautiful time of the year where people celebrate with their loved ones with hot chocolate, warm food and shiny gifts. Whereas, many are homeless, wandering on the cold streets hoping to get some food. Hence, like each year, Aastha Nishtha Foundation decided to celebrate with the homeless children through activities, games and sweets.
We surprised them with a secret Santa and a big mouthwatering cake that was cut and enjoyed by all. They were super excited to chat with Santa and tell him all about theirwishes this Christmas and received sweets for sharing. Children also took part in various craft activities like tear and paste for which they sat together in groups and learned to work together as a team.
It was a delight to watch these children getting excited and participating in the event with
immense enthusiasm.
We would like to thank our donors for their continuous support and making it possible for us to work for the betterment of those children who need it the most.
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