Since independence, poverty remains a major concern in India. But what defines poverty? Poverty is defined as the condition in which one is unable to fulfill their basics needs for survival. A large number of people in India are either living off streets or in slums in extreme poverty, begging for food for their survival. Where two-thirds of the population of India lives in poverty, 68.8% of the population lives on less than $2, and 30% have even less than $1.25 to survive a day. India is one of the countries with having a dense population, and in such a densely populated country, many major problems are faced such as unemployment, high cost of living, power shortage. This leaves problems like poverty, starvation to death, child labor unnoticed, and ignored. In our country, the number of children living in poverty is more than the number of adults. Poverty forces these children to work in factories. It can also cause malnutrition and cholera-like diseases because of the unhygienic environment. “Effects of poverty are most damaging to children. They are the worst off and the youngest children are the worst off of all”, said Anthony Lake, executive director, UNICEF. 

The year 2020 however, highly affected by many problems like coronavirus which furthermore deteriorated the condition of India and resulting in more poverty, unemployment, starvation, and whatnot. Many children in India are still deprived of their basic rights without any hope. We not only need money but also support to make sure their rights are protected and basic needs are fulfilled.

Aastha Nishtha Foundation strives to fight against such social issues. We all need to stand together and fight for the betterment of our country.
“Poverty is not being without money but being without hope”

people, homeless, male

Here are some recent data about poverty in India:

  • About 25% of children in India have no access to education because of poverty. (UNICEF)
  • According to the GHI report 2018 by the international food research institute, India ranks 103 in the Global Hunger Index. (GHI)
  • India is a home for 30% of almost 385 million children living in extreme poverty, which means the highest in South Asia. (According to a new report by World Bank and UNICEF ‘Ending Extreme Poverty: A Focus on Children’)
  • According to a report released on December 27, 2019, ‘Niti Aayog’s SDG Index 2019’ says that more Indians have fallen into poverty, hunger, and income inequality in the past two years. (Times of India)
  • On January 3, Friday, the National crime records bureau(NCRB) released a report which says India saw 1.34 lakh suicides in 2018; registering an increase of 3.6% from 1.3 lakh such cases in 2017.
  • Reason grew for the 14% of deaths in that was joblessness. It means unemployment and poverty. (Times Of India)
  • 69% of deaths among children below 5 years in India are caused by malnutrition. (UNICEF report) 
  • According to the Sustainable Development Goals Report of the United Nations Development Program (2005-06 and 2015-16), the incidence of multidimensional poverty in India climbs down to poverty from 54.7% to 27.5% as per the global multidimensional poverty index report. (UN)
  • In 2018, Nigeria ranked India to the top slot in terms of the total number of people living in extreme poverty.
  • 5.3% of the global population in extreme poverty live in India. (World Poverty Clock)
  • The total population of children in India in the age group(5-14) years is 259.6 million. Out of this 10.1 million are working which is illegal. (Census 2011)
-By Jyoti Lodhi

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